Our flagship product, GK-GermKiller® Surface™ – a water-based disinfectant – has been demonstrated to be 99.9% effective against SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19 virus), human coronavirus, Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome [MERS] and other related respiratory illnesses such as the common cold and pneumonia), flu virus (H1N1 influenza A), the coxsackie virus (that causes HFMD), MRSA and a broad-base of other harmful germs. Yet, it can be used routinely without adverse effects to people, animals, surface materials or the environment.
Germs can survive up to several hours outside the body and touching an object that has become contaminated when coughed on, sneezed on, or touched by a patient may spread infection. Such surfaces can include doorknobs, telephones, computer keyboards, tables and chairs (especially in common areas such as food-courts and offices), push button panels in elevators, airline tray tables, arm rests, and various restroom fixtures. Frequent hand-washing and disinfecting of surfaces that are frequently touched are essential to avoiding the spread of germs.
GK-GermKiller® is the proud exclusive partner to KidsSTOP ( at the Science Centre in the supply of sanitizing and disinfecting solutions to this unique and highly popular attraction for children of all ages.
As such, to protect you and your loved ones, use GK-GermKiller®. For more information, please refer to
Commonly used products:
Hospital-grade Disinfectants:
- GK Air™ (certified inflight air disinfectant)
- GK Surface™ (inactivates COVID-19 virus within 1 minute)
- GK Concentrate™ (certified aircraft surface disinfectant)
Personal Hygiene Products:
- GK Water-Based Hand Sanitiser (meets EN13727 requirements as a surgical handrub)
- GK Alcohol-based Hand Sanitiser
- GK Anti-Bacterial Hand Soap
- GK 2-in-1 Shampoo and Shower Gel
Surface Care & Cleaners
- 5-in-1 Surface Cleaner
- Adhesive Remover for Sensitive Surfaces
- Cream Polisher
- Citrus Degreaser
- General Liquid Detergent
- MP Surface Cleaner
- Neutral Based Cleaner
- Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polisher
- Super Citrus (spot cleaner)
- Stain Buster (acidic)

Address: No. 24 Gul Lane Singapore 629418
Phone: (65) 6863 0863
Fax: (65) 6862 0862

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